The first stage: The research is presented, and the chief editor reviews whether the topic is of interest, and how this corresponds with the topics raised in the journal, and issues a quick decision to continue or reject the research and return it to the researchers.
The second stage: - If the editorial office decides that the research may be appropriate, the journal conducts diligent examinations of the images and results, and the content of the research is examined to see if there is any forgery or quotation from other research, and thus the journal guarantees, even partially, that the submitted research is correct and sound.
The third stage: - After that, the information of the researchers is hidden, and a responsible editor with experience in the same field is assigned, who in turn communicates with scientists who are experts in the subject of the research, where a group of arbitrators is appointed
The fourth stage: - The researchers are informed of the start of the arbitration process, which may take an average of one to six months.
The fifth stage: - The arbitrators read the research critically, and there are strict criteria for arbitration, including quality of language, quality of results, scientific value of research, reasoning, references, statistical analysis, conclusion and references.
Sixth stage: After the end of the arbitration process, the arbitrators each separately issue a report
The seventh stage: - The editor passes the opinions of the arbitrators to the researchers and asks for an answer to them in a time limit that depends on what the arbitrators requested. It may extend for a few weeks or even long months.
The eighth stage: - After completion, the researchers re-submit the research and attach their responses to the arbitrators and indicate where and how this was modified in the research, including the new experiments and results, if any.
The ninth stage: - The editor then submits the research again to the same arbitrators
The tenth stage: If approved; The research is passed on to the production team, where the research and graphic images are reproduced with high accuracy and quality. In the end, the researchers coordinate with the editor and the production team to produce the research in its final form, and the publishing fees are paid to the journal before issuing an official decision to accept the research and then publish it.
The Eleventh Stage: Copies of research papers are attached to scientific research databases and receive an identification number called DOI Number to be made available to the public.